All on 4 Doctors


Fabrication of the transitional prosthesis

This video will present the clinical techniques of immediate loading and fabrication of the transitional prosthesis.


Fabrication of the definitive prosthesis

Fabrication of the definitive prosthesis will be discussed. Impression techniques, jaw relation records and framework design will be addressed.


Fabrication of the definitive prosthesis Part 2

Fabrication of the definitive prosthesis will be discussed. Framework try in and final wax up procedures will be demonstrated for the acrylic resin, titanium prosthesis.


Materials for framework design

Various categories of materials will be discussed for framework fabrication.


Diagnosis and treatment Planning Part 1

These articles will discuss the critical diagnostic factors that need to be evaluated prior to.....


Diagnosis and treatment Planning Part 2

These articles will discuss the critical diagnostic factors that need to be evaluated prior to.....